

I saw a post with a list of happy things, aka things that bring happiness and joy to the writer's life.  For the past few days I have been a little down and, as you all know I like to write in list form and about the things I love, so here goes!  Hopefully a little sunshine and joy will come from this list for me and for you as well!

1.  getting a new black dress.  [a new any-color-dress, really].
2. baking cookies with a friend and shamelessly eating a whole spoonful [or two] of the dough.
3. coming home after being away for a bit.
4. puppies.kitties.babies of all sorts.
5. roller coasters with no lines so you can ride the same one over and over and over.
6. being outside in a cool rainfall without an umbrella.  the feel of the rain streaming down my face like it could wash away all my troubles.
7. watching a baptism.  seriously brings me to tears of joy every time i witness a person wholly giving themselves over to Christ and becoming a new creation in Him.
8. high school youth group stuff...events, trips, d.group, just hanging out with youth group people.  i love being around students with a passion for Christ and people.
9. on that note, any setting in which I am praising God with a group of people [camp, YQ, CIY, etc.].  there is almost nothing like a multitude of voices joined together as one singing praise to our Awesome God.
10. my sperry's.  i seriously love to wear those silly boat shoes at every chance i get.  with a cute outfit, with a dress, with gym shorts, with dress pants...with things they do and definitely do not match, i love to wear them!
11. karen.kingsbury.books.  serioulsy, the woman can write and challenge a Christian woman better than most.  [for that matter, Christian fiction literature in general brings joy to my heart.]
12. my hottie mcHot husband's love letters.  he knows how to speak to my soul.
13. friendships that go way back and never change.
14. Jesus.


Jumbled Mess of Thoughts

1.  I really want to see that penguin movie, "Mr. Popper's Penguins" asap.  I've seen the same commericial at least 79 times today [which may or may not mean I have been watching television the entire day...I will never reveal the truth about that].  But seriously the movie looks a-dor-a-ble.

2. It is too bad Nick and I already have State Farm insurance, because apparently switching to that can save you enough money to buy a pet falcon.  Not that I really want a pet giant bird [or bird of any size for that matter], but I do have 37,000 things I would like to purchase.  [Dresses, specifically, annnd pieces to add to my Mixer...like the ice cream maker attachment...so I can make ice cream, duh.]

3.  I have checked my Facebook literally a gagillion times today.  It rained a good chunk of the day and I had no motivation to do anything but sit on my couch with my little dog and attempt to figure out what the heck I am going to teach this fall.  I also did a couple loads of laundry [which, while I am on the subject, WHY in the world can the darn clothes not fold and put themselves away?!  SHEESH.  I can wash and dry, even hang up some of them, but the folding and the putting away, UGH!  haha.] 

4. Father's Day.  I have the best dad on the whole planet.  PtL for a dad who loves me and my sister and my momma and Jesus.  He's not the biggest fan of my dog though, which is a large problem.  ;) 

5.  I just watched three consecutive hours of Gilmore Girls...hours which I had DVR'ed...because I still love Gilmore Girls and watching it makes me miss my sister who moved so far away a little bit less. 

6.  I want need to bake cookies right this second.  If I don't, I will probably eat a whole bag of leftover Easter jelly beans...which I don't even like that much.  #sweettooth  #bored

7.  I need someone to Petee-sit the last week of June.  Either come to my home and stay the week or bring the Pete-ster home with you.  Either way you will be compensated.  And I will bake you a loaf of bread. 

8.  PS.  UPDATE on my simplification process:  I have bagged up almost all of my t-shirts and clothes I don't want/need/wear anymore.  I have been working out a little.  That's basically it. 
